Commission on Cancer
100 Years
100 years of advancing cancer care


Past Chair Walter Lawrence, Jr.
Walter Lawrence, Jr. MD, FACS, served as Chair of the CoC from 1979 to 1983. Among his many other accomplishments, Dr. Lawrence ran a surgical hospital during the Korean War, oversaw the first Division of Surgical Oncology at Virginia Commonwealth University, and served as the inaugural director of VCU Massey Cancer Center for more than a decade. He inspired countless surgeons, oncologists, and medical students for generations.
Dive into CoC History
CoC Chairs
Watch video interviews and read profiles of past and present Commission on Cancer chairs and leaders.
Medical Directors
Watch interviews and read profiles of past and present ACS Cancer Programs Medical Directors.
Historical Articles
Members of the CoC and the 100th Anniversary Committee provide historical perspectives on cancer-related issues.
Oldest Member Organizations
The CoC is a consortium of professional organizations dedicated to improving survival and quality of life for cancer patients through standard-setting, prevention, research, education, and the monitoring of comprehensive quality care.
Oldest Accredited Programs
Our oldest CoC-accredited programs have been accredited since 1931. Some of our programs have shared the benefits and experience of being a CoC-accredited program.
NCDB Journal Article Reviews
CoC members examine the NCDB’s impact on cancer care through the review of highly-cited medical journal articles that use NCDB data.