CoC Member since 1978
To fulfill its mission of advancing the health of individuals and communities, the American Hospital Association (AHA) leads, represents and serves hospitals, health systems and other related organizations that are accountable to the community and committed to health improvement. The AHA’s vision is of a society of healthy communities, where all individuals reach their highest potential for health.
Founded in 1898 and a CoC member since 1978, the AHA shares the CoC’s dedication to improving patient care and enabling coordinated and seamless care delivery. The organization’s leadership believes that the continued opportunity for dialogue, sharing and collaboration with all of the professions and organizations that touch the care of patients battling cancer is essential.
“We value the role of accreditation in supporting quality care, sharing successful practices and providing a platform for continuous improvement,” said AHA Member Organization Representative and CMO and chief clinical integration officer, OHSU Health Hillsboro Medical Center, Joseph Hardman, MD, MBA. “The AHA is pleased to have been participating with the CoC for the last 40-plus years and collaborating with partners across the field.”

J. Alexander McMahon was the AHA Chief Executive Officer in 1978.

Henry P. Russe, MD, was the AHA’s first representative to the CoC.