Accredited since 1938
Englewood, NJ
Commission on Cancer (CoC) accreditation is important to Englewood Health because it ensures the delivery of consistent evidence-based care for our patients. It continuously grades us against other centers across the nation and reinforces all of the time and dedication we put into our programs. CoC accreditation provides us access to extensive data and quality reporting tools, which guide us to exemplary and humanistic care. With each site survey, we appreciate the insightful comments the site investigators provide. It helps us improve our program while striving to ensure we make our QIs more challenging every year and with every survey.
Our accreditation impacts patient care by consistently guiding us in ways to improve our care delivery. The CoC provides us with resources and support to allow us the opportunity to focus on what would work for our particular patient base.
Every new year we look forward to working with our committee and our senior leadership in deciding goals and QIs that will impact our communities of clinicians, patients, and future patients. It is what we strive to do annually.
Visit Englewood Health to learn more about their program.